Bally Bugs, Bumble Bees and Granddaddy Long Legs Wild Genre

bumble bee

Life can become stressful, tense, edgy and just plain not fun. My life for the last few days has been just that. So my cure for it was leave the house, the studio and all the other pressing obligations and commitments and head for the garden.

My Garden is a 6 x 8 foot green house and a wonderful hoop raised bed area that is 4 x 9 foot, made from raliroad ties and pvc pipe.

The sun was shining and a light morning breeze caressed the air (not a 30 mph job), which was enough to brighten anyone’s spirit.

I knew it was to early to plant anything due to our 7000 foot elevation and frosty nights, but oh it felt so good to sit in the garden soil, getting my hands dirty and just enjoying the sweet fragrance of the earth that God had created.

While sitting there letting the soil sift through my fingers, I became aware of something moving my left there was a Bally Bug ( actually a sow bug which is a soil dwelling crustacean). Family tradition has always called them Bally Bugs because  when you touch them they roll up like a ball. Kids loved them. This little fellow was busy as he could be scampering along the soil in search of decayed plant matter, I am sure, as this is what they feed on. He knew his job and where he belonged and just was gitt’n it done.

Next was the wonderful Bumble Bee ( sure sign of Spring). These are amazing bees as they really defy the theory of flying. I took a deep breath of air and just kicked back and watched the life of the Bumble Bee and the Bally Bug unfold. The Bumblebee was hovering about the Lilacs to see if there were any buds yet which would provide succulent nectar for food and energy.

Whoa..something just crawled a cross my hand..wouldn’t you know it..Granddaddy Long Legs made his Springtime appearance. What a grand specie he was. His legs were about 2″ long and so slender and delicate..up the pvc pipe of the hoop frame  he  danced on of his silver colored legs. I wonder what his world looked like from four feet above the ground. These little critters are really quite graceful and reminds me of a ballerina.

A little puff of wind brought me back to reality and alas,  I thought about the garden critters who were content in doing what their life was all about..Are we content in our stations of life, or are we discontent and never satisfied with what God has blessed us with? I decided to choose to be content where I was at, satisfied with my blessings and so grateful for life…now it was time to return to the studio  with a joyful heart and inspiration  to start creating wildlife on my stone canvasses.

I enjoy quiet times in the outdoors just enjoying Nature and how everything is in balance (that is, except where man has messed it up). I challenge myself to try to live a more balanced life choosing to be joyful in all that I do…how about you?


Aggressive Living? or Blank Page?

Great title?? I saw an Outback car Saturday that really caught my eye..(I still miss my Red Fire Bird). It was simple enough in design, color was just dull gray, but it had an air of aggression about it that made me want to get this car and go. This compact impressed me as one you could take out on the open highway or climb the highest mountain in it. This car was aggressive which is a term my husband uses on tires..and as he says “aggressive tires are good on the road.”

After lots of laughter about my aggressive sports car, I thought do we apply aggressiveness to living? or do we merely drift along in a passive mode, not tasting what life has to really offer?

Sunday Morning arrived and I woke up with an aggressive mind set..It was time to Rejoice and enjoy the Life the Lord had given me, here again not perfect, but my life.

So I challenge you, fill your blank page today with an aggressive attitude towards life, make choices that are between you and Lord..Live life!





Oops! blank page


Circa, how I love that word. Life is really about your  Circa Time for the day.

Every morning  we get up with a blank page…yep, we are blank until after the first cup of coffee.

Life begins each day, renewed and refreshed if we let it be…what are your first thoughts of the day?  Love you, spouse, love you kids, but most important Love you Lord!

My day is winding down as I start this new writing, just sharing things from the heart..

My Circa time today was filled with creating art..a new Wood Duck piece, watching the stormy skies filled with Springtime Weather and just being grateful for all I have

Can’t wait to see what my blank page of life will be full of tomorrow…how about you?

08-15-2012 09;15;20AM