Surprise at the Pond

American Kestrel

What a  beautiful crisp Colorado early Spring day (Springtime in the Rockies) Perfect weather to go forth and attack the winter sludge and grudge. So off to the garden grow tubs and the bird bath which sits beneath  our lovely French Lilacs. Armed with my trusty gloves, mini shovel and cultivator I silently started  to dig up dandelions (not sure how they got In the tubs). With that challenge done I realized I needed to fluff up the soil so it could breathe and warm in the sun before planting the seeds. So I lifted and turned the soil and caressed it with my gloved hands, but something was missing..I could not feel the coolness of the soil..yep no more gloves, What a thrill. There is nothing that will renew your mind, spirit and soul like spending time in your garden and sharing those special  moments with the Lord who created the Heavens and Earth.

Yikes, the silence was shattered by the shout of my husband ..”break time” , let’s go get the mail and chocolate hot fudge sundaes. Sounds like a winner to me, so we jump in pickup and head to the ice cream shop. With treats in tow, we are homeward bound, but decided to take a detour and check out our little Golden Pond to see what ducks and geese might be swimming about. There was a large variety ranging from Canvas Backs to Mallards and a pair of Canada Geese thrown in for good measure,  but something flew by and caught our eyes..It was an American Kestrel,  which is the smallest of the Raptors. For me, this was a thrill of a life time. I fumbled for my cell phone and got off a couple of quick shots as he tree hopped down the road. Alas off to the woods he flew as we inched the truck toward our road leading home…what a day…you never know what will appear on the horizon, so be prepared at all times to expect the little miracles that God sends you way..p.s. This is bird I must paint!

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