Hot Wire Squirrel

2014-08-28 173208

(3 MINUTE QUICK SKETCH)..Late summer days, blustery winds and stately Cottonwood trees moving in rhythm  to  the cloudy broken sky showing peeps of azure  blue here and there ..perfect picture of nature except for power line that raced through the tranquility of the scene although,  six lovely Doves were perched comfortably on the intruding power line  which I like to refer to as a hot wire.

Suddenly there was a flurry of wings and the doves scattered in every direction as we caught a movement  scurrying out from the leaves, precariously  balanced  on the Hot Wire…nope not the neighbor’s cat  but a fat furry Squirrel.

We burst into spiels of laughter until our eyes were wet with tears. This Squirrel was a total acrobat..first  he race across the wire, then sat down, then tipped over and not to gracefully uprighted himself and was gone in a flash into the trees again.

My theory on this whole scenario..always look up..keep focused and don’t look down…. and always carry a scrap of paper and is good too..(I never have it on at the right time). Laugh lots it is good for the soul!!

The Winds of Change…..

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Sunny late blue summer last a real summer day..but not quite..As I stepped out onto the back deck, there was a rush of wind that came across the yard, ruffling my hair and cooling my skin. What was  different…there was the aura of the change of seasons…no longer the Dog Days of August, but a nip of fall and Indian Summer that soon would be  on the way.

I watched for a few moments while the wind danced across some late blooming dandelions as their white cotton seeds floated away to unchartered lands where they would put down roots and start a new life in the Spring.

Alas, I was already gearing up for lots of new changes ahead..when I thought about the word “change” …to make different, to alter or to chart a new course???  My husband will be retiring tomorrow, and our lives will be forever changed as we enter into a new season  of life ..but that is not a bad thing, but an exciting challenge to see what lies ahead for us as life can be a  great adventure if one will embrace it day by day.

I pondered on the thought of change..everyday our world is changing, jobs change, children and families change, cars change, and it goes on  and on..What I discovered was the only thing that does not change, is change itself…and the Love of God…

So with that thought I am anticipating my new life beginning tomorrow with change, which I shall embrace…

Have a wonderful changing day!!