Lazy Sunday Afternoon 

Nothing like a warm fire, good old western movie, popcorn and ice cold coke! Can’t beat that! 

Still have snow on the ground, but there is a stir of spring ….sounds of birds, skunks are out (peppy le pew), new bear warning signs are posted and my lilacs are looking alive with buds swelling on the tips of the branches. We have survived another winter!

Ventured into the green house which was so toasty from the sun and decided it was time to plant my tomatoes, bells and green chilies. My kitchen window is my grow dome area until May, then off to transplant into my grow boxes in the green house. With our late snow, peas and spinach are not going to be planted for a few more weeks. 

Meanwhile back on the ranch, the bad guys are being rounded up and my coke needs a refill! 

Blessings to you all…..

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