Surprise at the Pond

American Kestrel

What a  beautiful crisp Colorado early Spring day (Springtime in the Rockies) Perfect weather to go forth and attack the winter sludge and grudge. So off to the garden grow tubs and the bird bath which sits beneath  our lovely French Lilacs. Armed with my trusty gloves, mini shovel and cultivator I silently started  to dig up dandelions (not sure how they got In the tubs). With that challenge done I realized I needed to fluff up the soil so it could breathe and warm in the sun before planting the seeds. So I lifted and turned the soil and caressed it with my gloved hands, but something was missing..I could not feel the coolness of the soil..yep no more gloves, What a thrill. There is nothing that will renew your mind, spirit and soul like spending time in your garden and sharing those special  moments with the Lord who created the Heavens and Earth.

Yikes, the silence was shattered by the shout of my husband ..”break time” , let’s go get the mail and chocolate hot fudge sundaes. Sounds like a winner to me, so we jump in pickup and head to the ice cream shop. With treats in tow, we are homeward bound, but decided to take a detour and check out our little Golden Pond to see what ducks and geese might be swimming about. There was a large variety ranging from Canvas Backs to Mallards and a pair of Canada Geese thrown in for good measure,  but something flew by and caught our eyes..It was an American Kestrel,  which is the smallest of the Raptors. For me, this was a thrill of a life time. I fumbled for my cell phone and got off a couple of quick shots as he tree hopped down the road. Alas off to the woods he flew as we inched the truck toward our road leading home…what a day…you never know what will appear on the horizon, so be prepared at all times to expect the little miracles that God sends you way..p.s. This is bird I must paint!

      Lazy Sunday Afternoon 

Nothing like a warm fire, good old western movie, popcorn and ice cold coke! Can’t beat that! 

Still have snow on the ground, but there is a stir of spring ….sounds of birds, skunks are out (peppy le pew), new bear warning signs are posted and my lilacs are looking alive with buds swelling on the tips of the branches. We have survived another winter!

Ventured into the green house which was so toasty from the sun and decided it was time to plant my tomatoes, bells and green chilies. My kitchen window is my grow dome area until May, then off to transplant into my grow boxes in the green house. With our late snow, peas and spinach are not going to be planted for a few more weeks. 

Meanwhile back on the ranch, the bad guys are being rounded up and my coke needs a refill! 

Blessings to you all…..

Ninja Turtle??? South Dakota Style


Yep, cruising along the highway between South Dakota and Nebraska, we saw a dark something in the road ahead. that looked like a piece of rubber  tire from a truck.  I was busy chatting about the train that was racing down the track along side of us, when my husband made comment that he just saw a turtle. I immediately said “no way”…figured it was a joke, and two seconds later, we did the fancy highway reverse u turn thing and before me was a Snappin’ Green Ninja Turtle!

I first, must explain, that this part of South Dakota is more like Nebraska, flat  with corn  growing on one side of the road and rail road tracks on the other with beef grazing everywhere. No lake, ponds or streams except for irrigation in the corn field as the turtle bore evidence to mud, water and grass.

I jumped out of the car with camera in hand, checked for traffic and quickly approached the Ninja I get a surprise..He did not retreat into his shell but stood his ground , with his head raised and turned to face me. Aggressive..that is the correct word. he had an aggressive attitude about life which at this point in time included me and my camera. I just kept taking photos and talking to this turtle and got close enough to herd him across the road back into the corn field before a truck and trailer came zooming by.

I retreated to the car, buckled up and sat in amazement at what and where you can find a new discovery in nature.

Behold the Turtle..He makes progress only when he stick his neck out…James Bryant Conant.

Thanks for reading my post..hope it brings a little smile to your face as you think about the turtles in your life.. So grateful to the Lord for all his creations..


Hot Wire Squirrel

2014-08-28 173208

(3 MINUTE QUICK SKETCH)..Late summer days, blustery winds and stately Cottonwood trees moving in rhythm  to  the cloudy broken sky showing peeps of azure  blue here and there ..perfect picture of nature except for power line that raced through the tranquility of the scene although,  six lovely Doves were perched comfortably on the intruding power line  which I like to refer to as a hot wire.

Suddenly there was a flurry of wings and the doves scattered in every direction as we caught a movement  scurrying out from the leaves, precariously  balanced  on the Hot Wire…nope not the neighbor’s cat  but a fat furry Squirrel.

We burst into spiels of laughter until our eyes were wet with tears. This Squirrel was a total acrobat..first  he race across the wire, then sat down, then tipped over and not to gracefully uprighted himself and was gone in a flash into the trees again.

My theory on this whole scenario..always look up..keep focused and don’t look down…. and always carry a scrap of paper and is good too..(I never have it on at the right time). Laugh lots it is good for the soul!!

The Winds of Change…..

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Sunny late blue summer last a real summer day..but not quite..As I stepped out onto the back deck, there was a rush of wind that came across the yard, ruffling my hair and cooling my skin. What was  different…there was the aura of the change of seasons…no longer the Dog Days of August, but a nip of fall and Indian Summer that soon would be  on the way.

I watched for a few moments while the wind danced across some late blooming dandelions as their white cotton seeds floated away to unchartered lands where they would put down roots and start a new life in the Spring.

Alas, I was already gearing up for lots of new changes ahead..when I thought about the word “change” …to make different, to alter or to chart a new course???  My husband will be retiring tomorrow, and our lives will be forever changed as we enter into a new season  of life ..but that is not a bad thing, but an exciting challenge to see what lies ahead for us as life can be a  great adventure if one will embrace it day by day.

I pondered on the thought of change..everyday our world is changing, jobs change, children and families change, cars change, and it goes on  and on..What I discovered was the only thing that does not change, is change itself…and the Love of God…

So with that thought I am anticipating my new life beginning tomorrow with change, which I shall embrace…

Have a wonderful changing day!!


Traffic Control


Chivalry among Wildlife still exists…as I witnessed this on the way to town.

The day was bright and sunny and my thoughts were wandering around as I was driving into town, when I realized there were red brake lights ahead me and traffic had stopped. Wow, what was going on..first thoughts bad accident?? No way…traffic had come to a literal screeching halt by Pagosa Lake and the pond across the highway . Traffic was stopped in both directions.

There was a beautiful male swan known as a Cob standing in the middle of the highway, with wings out stretched commanding all cars to halt as his fair lady known as a Pen made her way across the busy roadway to the Pond. People were astounded at the bravery exhibited by this Swan has he posted himself against all odds..and I might say he said a few verbal words to the cars and flapped his wings a time or two to let us all know he was the man in command. As Mrs. Swan waddled across the roadway to the edge of the gravel, she stopped to wait for her gentleman to join her.  Before joining his fair maiden, he made a few more gestures to assure all of us that it was still his call. (body language was very impressive) He walked across the center line of the highway, phew, I heaved a sigh of relief, finally safe..but then he brazenly turned and strutted back to the center line, raised his head, and let out a few more words, flapped both wings, and slowly and deliberately made his exit. Wow..this was a show of the power and confidence this magnificent bird had. (Thank you Lord for creating Swans).

Everyone cheered and very, very slowly inched their cars forward passed the two that were making their way to their favorite pond.

It is amazing what you can learn from wildlife. Does chivalry still exist today?

Life in Pagosa Country is never dull…



Circa Brown Spats

brown spatsAha! Viva Las Vega via Utah,  Idaho and Oregon and lots of time spent visiting family. W  hile catching a short time out, I found a quiet little wooden bench, tucked back in some overgrown shrubs and flower bed…what a great spot to rest and collect my lots . The air was filled with the smell  of town and country..unusual blend  between pastures filled with cows across the way and sidewalks with folks walking to their own rhythm.

I was deep in thought, musing about the love shared with our family and how special each person is when I became suddenly aware of a new sound…it was  created by shoes!

These shoes had a melodic beat..something between the shuffle  and the Blues..these Brown Spats were on a mission and the young man wearing these wonderful spats had an easy stride full of confidence and assurance  of his destiny.

As the Brown Spats rounded the corner and faded into the distance, the rhythm remained in my mind and I found myself tapping my toes on the sidewalk with  my own beat  that only God had for me..remember we are all unique and each person has their own rhythmic  Brown Spats!  Do you have your Brown Spats.. republished to include picture




Circa Brown Spats 2014

brown spatsAha! Viva Las Vega via Utah,  Idaho and Oregon and lots of time spent visiting family. W  hile catching a short time out, I found a quiet little wooden bench, tucked back in some overgrown shrubs and flower bed…what a great spot to rest and collect my lots . The air was filled with the smell  of town and country..unusual blend  between pastures filled with cows across the way and sidewalks with folks walking to their own rhythm.

I was deep in thought, musing about the love shared with our family and how special each person is when I became suddenly aware of a new sound…it was  created by shoes!

These shoes had a melodic beat..something between the shuffle  and the Blues..these Brown Spats were on a mission and the young man wearing these wonderful spats had an easy stride full of confidence and assurance  of his destiny.

As the Brown Spats rounded the corner and faded into the distance, the rhythm remained in my mind and I found myself tapping my toes on the sidewalk with  my own beat  that only God had for me..remember we are all unique and each person has their own rhythmic  Brown Spats!  Do you have your Brown Spats..



Bally Bugs, Bumble Bees and Granddaddy Long Legs Wild Genre

bumble bee

Life can become stressful, tense, edgy and just plain not fun. My life for the last few days has been just that. So my cure for it was leave the house, the studio and all the other pressing obligations and commitments and head for the garden.

My Garden is a 6 x 8 foot green house and a wonderful hoop raised bed area that is 4 x 9 foot, made from raliroad ties and pvc pipe.

The sun was shining and a light morning breeze caressed the air (not a 30 mph job), which was enough to brighten anyone’s spirit.

I knew it was to early to plant anything due to our 7000 foot elevation and frosty nights, but oh it felt so good to sit in the garden soil, getting my hands dirty and just enjoying the sweet fragrance of the earth that God had created.

While sitting there letting the soil sift through my fingers, I became aware of something moving my left there was a Bally Bug ( actually a sow bug which is a soil dwelling crustacean). Family tradition has always called them Bally Bugs because  when you touch them they roll up like a ball. Kids loved them. This little fellow was busy as he could be scampering along the soil in search of decayed plant matter, I am sure, as this is what they feed on. He knew his job and where he belonged and just was gitt’n it done.

Next was the wonderful Bumble Bee ( sure sign of Spring). These are amazing bees as they really defy the theory of flying. I took a deep breath of air and just kicked back and watched the life of the Bumble Bee and the Bally Bug unfold. The Bumblebee was hovering about the Lilacs to see if there were any buds yet which would provide succulent nectar for food and energy.

Whoa..something just crawled a cross my hand..wouldn’t you know it..Granddaddy Long Legs made his Springtime appearance. What a grand specie he was. His legs were about 2″ long and so slender and delicate..up the pvc pipe of the hoop frame  he  danced on of his silver colored legs. I wonder what his world looked like from four feet above the ground. These little critters are really quite graceful and reminds me of a ballerina.

A little puff of wind brought me back to reality and alas,  I thought about the garden critters who were content in doing what their life was all about..Are we content in our stations of life, or are we discontent and never satisfied with what God has blessed us with? I decided to choose to be content where I was at, satisfied with my blessings and so grateful for life…now it was time to return to the studio  with a joyful heart and inspiration  to start creating wildlife on my stone canvasses.

I enjoy quiet times in the outdoors just enjoying Nature and how everything is in balance (that is, except where man has messed it up). I challenge myself to try to live a more balanced life choosing to be joyful in all that I do…how about you?